
As Catholics, we are expected to make a good, thorough sacramental confession at least once a year. However, this is of course the minimum and we can learn from the practices of the faithful of the past two millennia, that frequent confession is most beneficial for growth in personal sanctity.

When planning to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, it is important to properly prepare oneself via a thorough examination of conscience. Various such helps for this examination can be found on the internet as well as at church near the Confessional. By properly preparing, one is much more able to not only make a thorough confession, but also avoid the pitfalls of getting off topic, forgetting sins that need to be confessed and approaching the sacrament as a counseling session, rather than an opportunity for reception of grace from God and healing of ones relationship with Him and His Church.

St. Mary’s offers two standard times during the week for Confession (listed below), and individual appointments are also welcomed. To set up an appointment, simply call or email Fr. Meininger at the rectory (574-842-2522 or

Wednesdays: 5:00 PM-5:20 PM

Saturdays: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM

First Fridays & First Saturdays after 8:00 AM Mass