Culver Academies Catholic Ministry

Welcome to our new page on the Saint Mary of the Lake Parish website. Communication will be easy to find by visiting this website often. Pictures can be found on

Please contact me if I can be of service to you or your child.

Please keep me in your prayers as I keep you in mine. Thank you.


Deacon Mike Madison
Catholic Campus Minister, Spiritual Life
Culver Academies, 1300 Academy Road, Culver, IN 46511 | P: 574-842-8179 | C: 708-259-2814 |

May 30, 2024

On Sunday, May 18th, the 79 students who served as Mass Ministers throughout the year earned recognition and were awarded pins to wear on their uniforms. The students performed as ministers by being greeters, gift bearers, lectors in Spanish and English, altar serving, distributing Holy Communion, and singing in the choir. Fr. Stephen and I are so proud of them, and I am pleased with the number of students who wish to serve at Mass. Many have requested to serve again next year.

On Saturday evening, May 25th, CIA (Christ in Action) held cookout on campus to celebrate the end of the schoolyear. Three students cooked hamburgers, turkey burgers, and vegetable baskets of green beans, mushrooms and onions on the large grill for about 25 students.

On Sunday, May 26th, during Mass, we recognized our Seniors/First Classmen with a special blessing from Fr. Stephen and a gift of a journal embossed with the Culver Memorial Chapel on it from the Spiritual Life Department.

Later, on Sunday afternoon, eight Academy students walked from Logansport Gate to join the Marian Procession at St. Mary of the Lake Parish which walked through the neighborhood adjacent the parish. The rosary was prayed as a group as we left campus and we continued to pray with the parish community during the procession. A statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary was placed on a bier with flowers and carried on the shoulders of young men. When we were done the community crowned the permanent statue of the BVM and shared fruit and deserts in fellowship. The community welcomed the students encaging them in conversation before we walked back to campus.

We have one more Mass on Saturday evening before the students say goodbye for the summer.

Thank you all for your prayers and financial support of the ministries we provide to your students. They are growing in their faith as a community as well as sacramentally.

May 9, 2024

At Thursday Morning Prayer Breakfast this morning we discussed and prayed about the Ascension of the Lord. Next week we will celebrate the Church’s birthday with cake, song, and prayers. Our last gathering will be a discussion and challenge/commitment about how we will continue our prayers over the summer.

Friday evening is Light the Night fellowship sponsored by the Spiritual Life Department.

This Saturday at CIA we will have a panel of selected adults for a Q & A session about faith and practices. It is an opportunity for students to ask in writing questions which are on their minds or hearts. We have an upcoming cookout as well for our last gathering before the end of the year.

If you would like to financially support our ministries, please go to, select GIVE near the upper right corner, which will take you to the GIVING TO CULVER page. Scroll down to select an arrow adjacent to GIVE. Once there complete the blanks as requested. At the DESIGNATION click the arrow to select OTHER which will ask you to ADD DESIGNATION HERE. Type in Catholic ministries, or Spiritual Life, or CIA, or Prayer Breakfast, or Confirmation Class, or Day of Spirit. Thank you in advance for your support.

May 6, 2024

Last Saturday CIA went into town to the local store, Park n Shop, which has a Culver Food Pantry bin. The Culver Food Pantry is a ministry run by the local churches supporting neighbors in need. After reviewing the pantry needs list, the students divided into three teams. Each team was assigned an aisle to purchase from and a budget not to exceed. We gathered at the register to check out and to find how little food is in the cart for the money budgeted. Finaly, we transferred the items to the bin, and it was overflowing.

April 30, 2024

It was great to see many of you on Parents Weekend.

What an exciting weekend we had as the Holy Spirit was so visibly present! Bishop Rhoades visited to celebrate the Confirmation Mass Saturday morning. Academy and parish students were confirmed, a total of twenty-six. The Academy students are listed below. The names with an asterisk also received their first Holy Communion:

Arden Lawler                                               John FitzPatrick                           

Avery Loehr                                                 Joshua VandenBoom                

Blake Shuler                                                 Kai Shuler                                     

Connor Andres                                            Luis Landa                                    

Elise Quandt                                               Maverick Avent

Elsie Newton                                               Manolo Mariscal

Emiliano Ornelas                                       Owen Skurski

Eric Klatt*                                                    Sarah Hann

Ghaige Bell                                                 Sebastian Faucetta*                  

Jaeden Ohaegbu                                        Thomas Gutierrez

On Sunday afternoon at St. Mary of the Lake parish the five names listed below received the Sacraments of Initiation as they were baptized, confirmed, and received their first Holy Communion from Fr. Stephen.

Alden Webb    Celeste Gram    Matias Landa    Neenah Marano    Quinn Bird

On Sunday morning, May 5, Mason Miller will be confirmed and receive his first Holy Communion at St. Mary of the Lake parish from Fr. Stephen.

Fr. Stephen and I are enormously proud of your sons and daughters. They prepared well. They also participated in a Confirmation Retreat on April 24th, where Dr. Pannkuk was the witness speaker, participated in the Sacrament of Reconciliation at the retreat or at the Fall/Spring Penance Service we had on campus, and were prayerful and attentive when we gathered.

Visit for pictures of conferral of the Sacrament of Confirmation.