Welcome to our page on the Saint Mary of the Lake Parish website. Information will be easy to find by visiting this website often. Pictures can be found on Vidigami.com.
Please contact me if I can be of service to you or your child.
Please keep me in your prayers as I keep you in mine. Thank you.
Deacon Mike Madison
Catholic Campus Minister, Spiritual Life
Culver Academies, 1300 Academy Road, Culver, IN 46511
michael.madison@culver.org | P: 574-842-8179 | C: 708-259-2814 | http://www.culver.org
December 17, 2024
The students are three or four “sleeps” away from Winter Leave. They are preparing to wrap up Term 2 with exams, papers, projects and presentations in hopes of maintaining or improving their grades. Some are waiting to hear if they have been accepted to the college of their choice.
St. Nicholas visited us for Prayer Breakfast to share the story of this saint and how the secular world has claimed him as Santa Clause. But we know the real story.

We had 16 students travel with us for the Holy Walk in Bremen where we are joined with a Jewish family on their way to Bethlehem for the Roman census and tax payment. Roman soldiers are ever present intimidating us and ready to put us in jail (4 were sent to jail), but after visiting the towns on our 11-day journey, we paid our tax, then found ourselves at the manger where the Christ child was laying with Mary and Joseph. Farther on we encountered the wise men following the star, the Resurrected Jesus, ending with St. John writing his gospel. The live-action re-enactment of the Gospel story had us engaged on a very cold night.

Last week CIA traveled to my home to build gingerbread houses. We had a manger, a temple and a church built by students before the senior headed back to campus for the Ugly Sweater contest at Beeson. Fr. Stephen joined us, and we sang carols on the bus ride back.

The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary was celebrated with Mass at 7:15 AM on December 9th. We tried the earlier time before breakfast to be sure there were not conflicts with athletics or other activities.
We also had an Advent Penance service for the students last Tuesday evening. The five priests heard confession until 8:15. Many students participated and were thankful for the opportunity.
Finaly, we had Vespers in the Memorial Chapel on Sunday evening. Rev. Dr. Sam Boys, Fr. Stephen and I led the prayers while students read scripture, sang and played music. The chapel was full, including the balcony, for this beautiful service which helps us take a break from the daily stress of the season and puts us in the proper frame of mind: Behold, our Savior is born. We even had Herlad Trumpets!
Your children will be home soon. Enjoy the blessings of the season where God comes to us in the flesh on Christmas Day. Peace.
November 21, 2024

Your students are really looking forward to being home for the Thanksgiving Break.
At Thursday Morning Prayer Breakfast this morning we honored the Blessed Virgin Mary on the Memorial of her presentation in the temple. We prayed three Hail Mary Prayers before the opening prayer. Table fellowship discussion about “roses, thorns, and buds” followed before writing and sharing prayers of Thanksgiving. many of the prayers were for family and the opportunity or gift to be at Culver Academies. The students are grateful for you and your sacrifices to allow them to be here. Finaly, the prayers were shared allowed with the large group with all of us responding “Thanks be to God.” This ministry continues to grow as 35 Catholic students were among the 86 total praying this morning. This makes for a resounding combined Lord’s Prayer at 8:15 each Thursday morning.

Christ in Action (CIA), The Narrative and Band of Brothers Bible Studies, and The Hub continue to attract students for fellowship, prayer, scripture and fun.
Last Sunday at Mass we celebrated the Rite of Acceptance for 21 students who will come into Full Communion with the Church or receive their Sacraments of Initiation in the spring. They have accepted to continue their preparation after two months of catechesis. In addition, the Catholic community accepted them, prayed over them and committed to support them in their faith journey.
We celebrated All Saints Day with an evening Mass on November first and will celebrate the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary early in the morning on December 9th. We are trying different times of the day to make the Mass for holy Days of Obligation accessible to the most students. Student Life is supportive of our efforts to accomplish this goal.
When we return from break it will be the Advent Season, so Happy New Liturgical Year. As such, we will have a Penance Service for the students, faculty, and staff on the evening of December 10th. Four or five priests, including Spanish speaking priests, will be available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation before CQ begins that evening.
On the 6th of December students will have an opportunity to travel to Bremen (about 40 minutes away) to the Holy Walk. Once there, we are assigned to a Jewish family who will take us on the journey to Bethlehem for the Roman census. After our travels through villages and Roman encampments we will follow the star to the manger where the Holy Family will be with the Christ Child. The hosts provide hospitality afterward. This is an annual event where local volunteers act out the roles as family leaders, shepherds, shopkeepers, Roman soldiers and the Holy Family. Students have enjoyed it the past few years we have been.
Vespers will take place on December 15th in Culver Memorial Chapel. Fr. Stephen will join us this year. It is a beautiful service of lessons and carols which engages students as readers, musicians, and vocalists. The Chapel is beautifully decorated for the Christmas and the service is enjoyed by the local Culver community as well.
Thanksgiving blessings to you and your families. Peace.
September 16, 2024
CIA walked to the Park n Shop in town to restock the Culver Food Pantry. Thank you for your financial support.
We arrived to examine how low the bin was, then reviewed the items the pantry needs. The students divided into teams, were given a budget, and were assigned aisles. They were to see how much, or how little, food could be purchased without going over the budget. The teams came in $6.63 over budget and the next person in line paid the overage. Others notice when Christian deeds of charity are in action, and they want to be engaged. Christ in Action. The donor said that they observed the group last spring when we were last there and this time wanted to help in her small way.

September 10, 2024
We are nearing the end of the first grading period. Students have settled in.
The exciting news is that we have 27 students preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation in April. We also have 12 students preparing for the Sacraments of Initiation and 13 students preparing to become in Full Communion with the Church! The Holy Spirit is gathering souls on campus. We gather on Monday evenings and after Mass on Sunday mornings.
Band of Brothers bible study for CMA, The Narrative bible study, Thursday morning Prayer Breakfast, CIA and the HUB are ministries which began last week. We have a broad group of students participating. There is a student run bible study in one of the barracks an in a dorm too. If you are on campus, you are welcome to join us.
If you would like to provide a meal for the Prayer Breakfast, CIA, or the HUB, you can go to this link to indicate you will provide a meal. Check in with me for specifics on the quantity needed.
If you would like to financially support our ministries, please go to culver.org, select GIVE near the upper right corner, which will take you to the GIVING TO CULVER page. Scroll down to select an arrow adjacent to GIVE. Once there complete the blanks as requested. At the DESIGNATION click the arrow to select OTHER which will ask you to ADD DESIGNATION HERE. Type in Catholic ministries, or Spiritual Life, or CIA, or Prayer Breakfast, or Confirmation Class, or Day of Spirit. Thank you in advance for your support. That link is below.
August 23, 2024
Welcome back to school. I know you are not here physically, but I count on you being here in spirit. The first academic week is now complete, and many students have been here over a week. We gathered for Mass in the Culver Memorial Chapel to celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and then the back-to-school Mass last Saturday evening. We have 288 Catholic students registered this year.
Thursday Morning Prayer Breakfast began yesterday. We had 67 students join us in prayer and fellowship. Confirmation Preparation will begin on Monday September 2nd, for those students who have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation yet. Band of Brothers and The Narrative bible studies will begin the first week in September. CIA, Christ in Action, will begin on Saturday, September 7th.
This year we have many students who wish to become Catholic or come into Full Communion with the Church. As a result, we will meet on Sunday mornings after Mass for brunch beginning September 8th for OCIA Sacramental Preparation. this will be supplemental to the Monday evening Confirmation Preparation classes.
If you wish to support your children in our ministries by attending when you are on campus or with financial support, please contact me directly for details. Your support is needed and always welcome.
Your students serve as Mass Ministers each Sunday. They are readers proclaiming the word in English and Spanish, singers in the choir, greeters welcoming the students while passing out the worship aides, gift bearers at the Offertory, and servers at the altar. Several students have been trained to be altar servers. I am blessed to have so many students who wish to participate. Please encourage your children to engage at Mass by serving the community as a Mass Minister.
I will continue to be available at lunches to meet with students.
August 1, 2024
Culver Summer Schools and Camps is about to end with graduations on Saturday morning. My heart fills with joy when about 800 campers and another 100 or so staff fill Culver Memorial Chapel for Mass each week for six weeks! The pews, balcony and chairs set up along the side aisle walls are nearly full. During Homecoming Weekend, we have to move Mass to Eppley Auditorium to accommodate the alumni and parents who join us.
Fr. Stephen celebrates Mass each Sunday, then stays for the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the Upper School students. Fr. Stephen is so committed to administering the sacrament that twice he stayed causing a delay to the start of Mass at the parish in town.
On Thursdays at noon each week at Woodcraft Camp, Lt. Denis Bernardino and I led many girls and staff in the rosary. Rosaries were provided for the participants to keep if they did not have one.
In two weeks, the students begin the return to campus as a new freshman class matriculates, being aided by the upper-class boys and girls. We expect about 270 of the students will be attending Mass. Our first opportunity to celebrate together will be on Thursday, August 15th at 3:00 for the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a Holy Day of Obligation. Then, due to conflicts on Sunday morning, Mass will be celebrated on Saturday evening, August 17th at 6:00. Regular Sunday Masses will continue beginning on August 25th at 9:00
We will follow the lead of the National Eucharistic Congress with focus on the mission of bringing Jesus to others through the Eucharist. We will renew our relationship with Jesus and evangelize the Good News to others during CIA and Thursday Morning Prayer Breakfast. Our student leaders are Caroline and Katherine Alderfer, Joshua Neary, Alexandrine Harig, and Jack Collins.
Mrs. Beth Schmiedlin will continue to lead preparation of the students for the Sacrament of Confirmation, assisted by Mrs. Amy Ditmire and me.
May 30, 2024
On Sunday, May 18th, the 79 students who served as Mass Ministers throughout the year earned recognition and were awarded pins to wear on their uniforms. The students performed as ministers by being greeters, gift bearers, lectors in Spanish and English, altar serving, distributing Holy Communion, and singing in the choir. Fr. Stephen and I are so proud of them, and I am pleased with the number of students who wish to serve at Mass. Many have requested to serve again next year.
On Saturday evening, May 25th, CIA (Christ in Action) held cookout on campus to celebrate the end of the schoolyear. Three students cooked hamburgers, turkey burgers, and vegetable baskets of green beans, mushrooms and onions on the large grill for about 25 students.
On Sunday, May 26th, during Mass, we recognized our Seniors/First Classmen with a special blessing from Fr. Stephen and a gift of a journal embossed with the Culver Memorial Chapel on it from the Spiritual Life Department.
Later, on Sunday afternoon, eight Academy students walked from Logansport Gate to join the Marian Procession at St. Mary of the Lake Parish which walked through the neighborhood adjacent the parish. The rosary was prayed as a group as we left campus and we continued to pray with the parish community during the procession. A statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary was placed on a bier with flowers and carried on the shoulders of young men. When we were done the community crowned the permanent statue of the BVM and shared fruit and deserts in fellowship. The community welcomed the students encaging them in conversation before we walked back to campus.
We have one more Mass on Saturday evening before the students say goodbye for the summer.
Thank you all for your prayers and financial support of the ministries we provide to your students. They are growing in their faith as a community as well as sacramentally.
May 9, 2024
At Thursday Morning Prayer Breakfast this morning we discussed and prayed about the Ascension of the Lord. Next week we will celebrate the Church’s birthday with cake, song, and prayers. Our last gathering will be a discussion and challenge/commitment about how we will continue our prayers over the summer.
Friday evening is Light the Night fellowship sponsored by the Spiritual Life Department.
This Saturday at CIA we will have a panel of selected adults for a Q & A session about faith and practices. It is an opportunity for students to ask in writing questions which are on their minds or hearts. We have an upcoming cookout as well for our last gathering before the end of the year.
If you would like to financially support our ministries, please go to culver.org, select GIVE near the upper right corner, which will take you to the GIVING TO CULVER page. Scroll down to select an arrow adjacent to GIVE. Once there complete the blanks as requested. At the DESIGNATION click the arrow to select OTHER which will ask you to ADD DESIGNATION HERE. Type in Catholic ministries, or Spiritual Life, or CIA, or Prayer Breakfast, or Confirmation Class, or Day of Spirit. Thank you in advance for your support.
May 6, 2024
Last Saturday CIA went into town to the local store, Park n Shop, which has a Culver Food Pantry bin. The Culver Food Pantry is a ministry run by the local churches supporting neighbors in need. After reviewing the pantry needs list, the students divided into three teams. Each team was assigned an aisle to purchase from and a budget not to exceed. We gathered at the register to check out and to find how little food is in the cart for the money budgeted. Finaly, we transferred the items to the bin, and it was overflowing.
April 30, 2024
It was great to see many of you on Parents Weekend.
What an exciting weekend we had as the Holy Spirit was so visibly present! Bishop Rhoades visited to celebrate the Confirmation Mass Saturday morning. Academy and parish students were confirmed, a total of twenty-six. The Academy students are listed below. The names with an asterisk also received their first Holy Communion:
Arden Lawler John FitzPatrick
Avery Loehr Joshua VandenBoom
Blake Shuler Kai Shuler
Connor Andres Luis Landa
Elise Quandt Maverick Avent
Elsie Newton Manolo Mariscal
Emiliano Ornelas Owen Skurski
Eric Klatt* Sarah Hann
Ghaige Bell Sebastian Faucetta*
Jaeden Ohaegbu Thomas Gutierrez
On Sunday afternoon at St. Mary of the Lake parish the five names listed below received the Sacraments of Initiation as they were baptized, confirmed, and received their first Holy Communion from Fr. Stephen.
Alden Webb Celeste Gram Matias Landa Neenah Marano Quinn Bird
On Sunday morning, May 5, Mason Miller will be confirmed and receive his first Holy Communion at St. Mary of the Lake parish from Fr. Stephen.
Fr. Stephen and I are enormously proud of your sons and daughters. They prepared well. They also participated in a Confirmation Retreat on April 24th, where Dr. Pannkuk was the witness speaker, participated in the Sacrament of Reconciliation at the retreat or at the Fall/Spring Penance Service we had on campus, and were prayerful and attentive when we gathered.
Visit Vidigami.com for pictures of conferral of the Sacrament of Confirmation.